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    Lightbulb joke...
    Monday, August 31, 2009

    My friend told me this joke when we met during teacher's day today. she did not complete it, so i decide to search for it, and damn it is hilarious. who can ever imagine how school stereotypes can ever be so funny...

    Q: How many RJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: 4 whole faculties. One to design the new bulb, one to
    manufacture and test it out, one to write a proposal on it and one to market it.

    Q: How many HCJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: The whole school. To compete with RJC.

    Q: How many VJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: The whole school. One student to screw it in and the rest to cheer and wave flags and banners to give him/her support.

    Q: How many NJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: None. They can study without light.

    Q: How many AJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: They're too busy trying to be one of the top 5 JCs.

    Q: How many ACJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: None. They'll rather use all their money to employ YJC to do it for them.

    Q: How many YJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: None. Only one teacher to tell them what a light bulb is in the first place and to demonstrate how to change the light bulb. (So how do you think they're able to change it for ACJC?)

    Q: How many CJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: They'll prefer it to be darker. (Hmmmm?*raises eye-brows* )

    Q: How many JJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: None. Their physics is so bad that they made their macho male physics teacher cry.

    Q: How many TPJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: None. Would they even bother?

    Q: How many SAJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: None. They believe in praying for it.

    Q: How many NYJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: None. They are still using oil lamps.

    Q: How many SRJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: Huh, what litebarb?

    Q: How many PJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: Heck the light bulb lah, the principal would do something about the rightbarbs. Let's do 300 jumping jacks for not wearing the proper school attire.

    Q: How many MJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: None. They are too busy trying to get promoted.

    Q: How many IJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: None. They are Innovians. They'll find ways out of the dark.

    Q: Who wrote all this?
    A: A TJCian.

    Q: How many TJC students does it take to change a light bulb?
    A: None. They think they are already very bright.


    Saturday, August 29, 2009

    just visitted my blog and noticed that it looks dull... hmm... I can't really do anything much with blogger stuff and I am not a pro in html, so this is what you have to bear with...

    so to brighten the mood, i changed the song... this is a really cool song and is a soundtrack from the movie the proposal. when i heard it, i knew that i love it... havent really reviewed their album yet, but i am sure that the quality will be similar. couldn't find a download link anywhere around for you guys, so you just have to listen to it on youtube...


    SYTYCD Canada

    Been keeping up with my twits? yes, i like to spell it that way... anyway, Yea, so you think you can dance just ended a month ago, and just a week later, canada is not stopping the dance fever. season 2 of SYTYCD canada is back ya'll... and i have to say, despite the fact that i dislike the host who is dreadful and draggy, but i have to say that the production is really good. the auditions showed a lot of good dancers although they were very very long because all 4 judges had to give their critics for every clip. The talent in canada is definitely not a joke. asided from america, canada has the best dancers and choreographers. heard that australia?

    this week was the top 20 and i am really impressed with the first episode, the performances are good, though can be better, but the dancers burned the dancefloor. so here are my views on the dancers

    this season has 3 latin/ballroom dancers on the show, which is really disappointing compared to the first season which is about 5. Melanie B is the only female ballroom, she is sexy hot, although i don't think she is the best, natali from the first season or chelsie hightower can do so much better. Vincent ( read vinsaunt) is pretty good and smooth, comparable to Pasha from america's, though ability wise, still need to pull it up. Ther last is anthony, who i don't really like, that's because i find that he is arrogant and looks cheesy... but he is an alright dancer. on a whole the standar for ballroom dancers are consistent, but not as good as last year's.

    hip hop this year stands out more. there are a lot of female hip hopers and one female krumper... hmmm... the guys hip hop is not bad either, stand outs are kim and cody, and nicola. well, no a big fan, but commendable skills.

    now the biggest group is every sytycd competition, the contemporary/ballet/jazz/tap. yes i classify them as a group of crazy flexible creatures with dangerous stunts. I got injured just trying to be one... lesson learnt, stick to the status quo. anyway, not so outstanding, i think all the dancers in this class has always been standard. they dance pretty nicely, but i see them doing the same thing. If i were to pick my favourites, has to be melanie M, jayme and amy. I am not a fan of the guys, there are a few of them that i just feel that should not have been in the top 20. firstly, emanuel is way too over the top. and his face looks like a mannequin's... Austin, he is cocky as hell, and everett is no different. I know the judges wouldn't mind their attitudes, but i think it is just distracting for the audience.

    I really hope that this year's talents will not disappoint and produce the best seasons of SYTYCD series. i think that a hip hopper will win this season, but who knows wht goes on through out the season.

    just a promo, SYTYCD US season 6 is back next week. Wow!!! who would've known that this year is dedicated to dance. it will begin with a recap of what goes on on the series for 5 seasons, the best, the worse and the shocking. DWTS is also back in 2 weeks, and this season's professionals are dope as hell. the contestants? nah, they are not what i watch this programme for.just sad that a few of thefan favourite professionals are not back this season, but we have to accomodate with this season's professionals.


    Saturday, August 22, 2009

    so you guys should know what's the deal with me... yes, i screwed up my knee because of doing a perfect split jump... that so totally prove that perfect is not always good...

    okay so right now I am in indonesia and just finished my 2nd dose of shock therapy-cum-massage. i don't really know how to translate it well, but in bahasa it's called urut. anyway, now i can actually walk, well i have been able to walk since the first one. but now ifeel much better. although it still hurts in the area where the doctor bandaged. apparently he told me to bandage it to prevent swelling and i did it too tightly, so now it still hurts.

    so you want to know how it feels to go through shock therapy. well, from the name you should probably guess how it's done. a low voltage shock is passed through the affected area for quite some time to allow it the muscles to relax. then the person will some what massage it to mend the muscles-sort of. there are also times when higher voltage is passed and your muscles will cramp and starts to move about. what i was told is that the muscles are rearranging themselves. miraculously, all that worked without knives and needles through my skin and muscles. now i can walk, though i still limp because of that bandage thingy, but the good thing is that i can walk... yippy...

    also being back in indonesia is great because I am in an environment which i love. although not healthy, but i enjoy the atmosphere here. also i get to meet my siblings and catch up...yippy... apparently, my mom is coming next week and i don't get to see her... sad.

    oh, i got to eat at this place called sour sally. it's a yogurt place and you can add all sorts of toppings for a cheap price, unlike in singapore... not too bad for the first try, i recommend you to try when you are here


    Split Jump Accident
    Tuesday, August 18, 2009

    OW!!! My knee hurts... or somewhere around there.

    Yesterday was dance auditions, and I did a split jump towards the end and i landed wrongly. Because i was wearing long pants, I kinda landed with my left leg bent in wards and i think i "cracked" the knee. Man it hurts so bad... I was shaking while trying to succumb to the pain, then miraculously when i tried to straighten it, it cracked again, it felt better till i tried to stand and walk, the knee hurts bad... it's like another knee crack with every step...

    Then I went back home with the help of a few friends, borrowed a pair of crutches and it is hard. Don't know how to use it and quite a few times i thought i was going to fall... went back home and I was the exhibition of the night. Everyone at home was like looking at me like I was the new dinosaur skeletons display.(night at a museum reference which i watched today)

    Went to the doctor that night and damn... mondays are like the sick day of the week. The queue was long like I had to wait for an hour to get the doctor to touch the injured knee for 5 minutes. Then he told me that he can't really tell what's wrong because it is swollen. But he thinks that I just pulled a ligament. is that bad? I hope not... because i don't want to walk with every step like a cracked knee.

    then the doctor gave me a day MC and a week off physical exercise. and today I was so darn bored, I got a day of a lot of sleep and watching stuff. I know I am supposed to make good use of my time by studying, but I am way too in pain to think about studies...

    So tomorrow I am going back to school, I hope that it is not going to hurt as bad. And darn, tomorrow is photo day, I don't know what i am going to do...


    Precious lives
    Saturday, August 15, 2009

    So these few weeks, studied about genetic variation and was introduced this genetic diseas called Cri Du Chat. I was curious about it and decided to make a search for it on Youtube.

    It was really sad to see how these babies come into this earth different from the rest of us physically. They have to go through a hell of childhood trying to go by the days when they are being picked out on by other children...

    Then related videos referred me to other baby disorders that really aches your heart when you see it. One of them that I can remember is Harlequin Ichtyosis. It is really really sad to watch how these babies have to go through. The pain and which many would die of...

    these make me appreciate the life that I have been given and then we should not shun these people who are different from us.


    media review
    Saturday, August 8, 2009

    hey hey, happy national day to singapore...

    anyway, main focus here is that I am going to review some of the things that I watched... ya, kinda redundant, but i am going to.

    Just watched Ice Age 3 and I have to say this is the funniest sequel of the 3... There were a lot of funny stuff that cracks me up..

    1) they started singing the chipmunk christmas song when they were caught in the laughing gas zone...

    2) Diego had a "woman" moment while trying to push the dinosaurs off the cliff

    3) new character who lives in the dinosaur world who had to choose a wire to cut to kill the flesh eating flower...

    4) the squirrel found a mate and danced a tango while fighting over nut...

    5) Sid dropped a flightless bird off a cliff while trying to make a point of being a vegetarian...

    that is just 5 of the funniest moments that crack me up, but overall i have to say it is funny, especially with the possum twins, the new character Buck, and sometimes Sid... I would rate the movie a 4/5 for entertainment...

    next to review, SYTYCD Finale was yesterday and I was really glad that jeanine won, bringing the female winners count to 2... Though i was really hoping it was jeanetter, but Jeanine is not too bad... The finale was cool because we got to see the season's favourite acts, especially the group performance with the song calle ocho by pitbull... Love to see Jeanette getting back onto the spotlight... And the final performance was really a surprise to everyone because the judges, or what Cat would've said "jidges", performed for 10 seconds with the top 8 dancers... overall, it was a great night...

    Summer's best TV show to catch is definitely Royal Pains which is a doctor show... really interesting show because it depicts the story of a different kind of doctor, the unusual one... another show that is starting to grow on me is True Blood, a really good show although sometimes the images shown are way too gross to be broadcasted...

    Finally, as summer in the US is coming to an end, Fall is back on TV. all of our favorite tv series are coming back to the television screens... I am realy excited because this time there will be 2 dosages of Dance, Season 9 of DWTS is back and also fans of SYTYCD don't have to wait a whole year to pick a new favourite dancer.


    Friday's dance
    Friday, August 7, 2009

    So today was national day's celebration, kinda dull because there's no hype unless you participate in the activities... so overall, not everyone can absorb the atmosphere of a celebration...

    Anyway, after the celebration, there was supposed to be training/practice for the teacher's day performance and my partner wasn't informed till early this morning... well actually i told her that we are going to practise today. However due to certain circumstances(hurt ankle), today's practice was unproductive... so we basically only managed to do 3.5 eight counts... thankfully the choreography is not that hard, i think we can finish the choreography in like by wednesday and the rest of the days we are going to finesse the whole thing...

    So had a h2h talk with my partner who is the chairman of the society and told her what happened to our original plan for the performance... apparently some idiot decided to change the whole plan and ruin it, without notifying/discussing anyone else... Oh well, who ever this person is, you better feel very very bad because if we don't make it through the auditions, it's all on your account....

    no sign off

    4E1 syndrome
    Wednesday, August 5, 2009

    Today had dance and I was anticipating it because we were supposed to choreograph a dance for teachers day performance...

    i came late by an hour because i had to attend a really interesting biology lecture by an external speaker... it was really cool what is nano-biotechnology...

    anyway, yea back to dance society, I am really mad at the outcome of today. first of all the douche who supposedly is to be in charge of the society thinks that we are not capable enough of chreographing, so the douche got our dance instructor to choreograph. THAT IS FREAKING IDIOTIC!!! this is why i dislike the society because they never allow us to do anything to show off our capability. So okay, the instructor choreographed 2 segments of the performance, and it was really really low standard, which again supports my dislike for the society.

    so there were still the hip hop and swing. and the douche called me out on the swing and decided to cut it to 30 seconds!!! what a dick!!! seriously, what could a dancer do in 30 seconds? it's basically like the solos on SYTYCD, it is pretty much empty and useless...

    then the hip hop section was really disappointing. first of all, the plan to choreograph a performance was discussed 2 weeks ago, and they still had not gotten a choreography ready by this afternoon!!! worse of all, they intend to imitate an MV choregraphy to a stupid korean song... seriously, have you got no idea what is hip hop? that is practically pop jazz...

    another thing that frustrates me was i am supposed to do swing with another girl, and clearly I have no training or background in partner dancing, I wouldn't try to choreograph a dificult routine which is a minute long. It is bad enough not come for the practice for some lame reason of being lazy after the biology, it's another thing when you wasted my time just trying to convince you to do it. Worst of all, she did not say anything to me about ditching the swing until i texted her... then eventually she came to her senses for some reason of sympathising me or whatever not.

    Last thing, t-shirt design... I took like a few days to come up with the design, and you tried to ruin it by adding backgrounds. you did not even tell it to me that you want it that way, but instead you got somebody else who did not design it to change it... I was freaking mad then, but i got over it soon... Then today she is finally settling the shirt design, so what is it now? just the word dance on the front and that's it... ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? You've wasted my precious time that i could inject on doing other things and you are settling with just the word dance? And when you said that you did not even acknowledge the effort that I had put in to design... I don't really care about the other designer because it's his own opinion how to respond to that situation, but for me, that is truly unacceptable... If you are not going to use any idea, you should at least acknowledge the effort that the person has put in to come up with that idea. And then you came and ask me whether I object to that settlement? What am i supposed to say in front of everybody else, ooh.. look i took days to design, and you are not going to use it, fuck you?! no, I have self pride too, and I am just disappointed that you do not even bother to take into mind of that... stupid stupid stupid...

    For the record this will be the last time that I am going to contribute to help thewelfare of the society, I am just going to mind my own business, improve myself like what i have planned to do while being in the society...

    Teacher's day performance
    Sunday, August 2, 2009

    Yey!!! okay there was actually a plan to include my ballroom interest to a teachers day performance, and I have no clue how long should it be? The song chosen is Hairspray's You Can't Stop The Beat. At first, when I hear it, it was kinda hard to choreograph the first minute because it is so broadway and you just want to dance broadway to it. And then I searched on the net for any ballroom take on this song, and to my amazement, I found a pair of 10 year olds dancing to this song on DWTS. And I was like WOW!!!!

    Although their dance was kinda not very ballroom and there were a lot of acting in it, but it was commendable of them to attempt this song which is so broadway. Then I thought if they could do it, my couldn't I. Actually tried to imitate theirs but it was too much acting and I really wanted it to be jive-y or swing-y. Then I watched Anya and Denny's jive on SYTYCD and I felt that what they did was kinda cool, then i tried to match the choreography to their piece...

    And I was glad that I had a reference to choreograph this song. though it was not totally copied, but I liked how it turned out... Although the intro could have been better, the overall product was not too shabby... Gotta try it out during wednesday's practice. Oh yeah, this wednesday gonna have an external biology lecturer coming to share with us, so gonna be late for that practice... oh well, but still I am loving this piece...


    (NOTE: yey!!! changed my signature finally!!!!)
