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    I cried
    Friday, October 30, 2009

    Okay, i am too busy and lazy to do a summary in 10, so i am going to skip it. Anyway, I just watched the most talked about movie and I strongly encourage you to watch the movie in cinemas if possible before it closes...

    My Sister's Keeper

    A story about a family who deals with a a member stricken with Leukaemia. It tells the life of Kate, the highs and the lows and the final days of her life. Truly an inspiring movie and very very touching. I cried towards the end and from numerous reviews i chanced upon, everyone else did too. I would recommend all of you to watch this movie before your A levels or PW, it will make you stronger and to carpe diem.


    Die PW DIE!

    it's good to finally have time to blog again... it's been two weeks away from blogger and I really feel that my life has been sucked out of me... And all of it is because of PW.

    Been doing WR, I&R, OP slides, OP model, OP script and everything have to been done within these past 2 weeks... ridiculous... right now i am really really tired, got to nap for 3 hours today and i am still tired... worse thing of all is that on monday, there will be Chinese A level paper and it's really frustrating that OP takes up so much of time, I have been distracted during the Chinese Revision lectures, couldn't find the time to read up on Chinese and memorise all the nice phrases. so for the next 2 days, I am going into intensive Chinese revision and hopefully do my some justice for this A level paper, i seriously i want to get rid of it as soon as possible...


    Blog music
    Sunday, October 18, 2009

    I have officially retired my blog song which people have said to be eerie...

    by the way, it's an acapella version of austin power song SOUL BOSSA NOVA, and it's a fun song and was featured on GLEE several times. if any of you enjoyed it, the gorup is called the swingle singers and they have done a lot of acapellas you can check them out on the web or go to post on them. I think they are awesome and acapellas are awesome, pity that i have no future in vocal careers, but it is definitely a good thing to enjoy goos acapellas.

    and i have changed my blog song to this cha cha base song, it was featured on SYTYCD and some other shows, a very fun song, hope you guys will like it better.


    After exams CRIB

    hey hey, been cleaning up my room. got all my notes/worksheets/tutorials/assignments/rubbish filed. dusted my room, cleaned my aircon, rearranged my furniture and it now looks empty, in a good way.

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    My Rearranged furniture and those that remained...

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    My rearranged furniture and old bedframe as decor... yea, i don't like to set my bed

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    My knight rider marathon and filed papers

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    and my do-it-yourself cabinet... took out bed frame and turn it into this... spot the uniform?

    This has been kind of fun... now i've got space to practise dance and splits. what should i do now that my room's done? aside from pw that is...


    Summary in 5

    hey hey hey... it's sunday and sorry, got no summary in 10 yesterday. Let's do a 5 instead.

    Summary in 5

    1) Fringe marathon yesterday Season 1 and 2. finally got to find out who is william bell... it's that spork guy from star trek. female lead is going cuckoo... Male lead is actually dead who was brought back to life, male lead's father conducted an experiment on every child 20 years ago in jacksonville who are now going crazy and started all these mess. okay, enough said... can't wait for next episode

    2) been cleaning my room all week, will talk further in the next post.

    3) doing knight rider marathon now. pretty interesting actually. Male lead is crazy over female lead, male lead don't know his past, female lead has a hard life whose father is her boss.

    4) ooh... PW is back and kind of gathering steam right now... so many things to do: I&R, WR, OP slides, OP rehearsals, but just don't know where to begin...

    5) GLEE!!! that's it


    Summary in 10
    Tuesday, October 13, 2009

    It's midweek and you get a summary of my week...

    1) today was the last day of my promos!!! it ended as early as 9.16am!!! haha, sympathise those physics cohort who have a longer paper till 10.30, but still, it is their last paper as well, might as well let it be longer...

    2) At the bus stop, saw a frail uncle. No one was looking after him, so i decided to keep a look out. quite a few times he lost his balance and fell backwards. everytime, my heart would skip a beat, want to go forward and help, but he already regained balance. Then there was this one time when he was about to sit down, don't know what happened, he fell backwards to the floor. I jumped and immediately rushed to him, then all the ignorant people at the bus stop finally noticed his presence and when i got to him, another guy took away my moment of good deed and picked him up. DAMN YOU!

    3) supposed to go watch FAME the movie today, but sadly one of us can't make it because had to help out at the office. so postponed to thursday and 顺便 later go cycling and go chomp chomp.

    4) Had my first Sausage Mcmuffin since a long time. it was my celebratory meal for the end of the promos... yes, i indulge in junk food to celebrate.

    5) Checked my twitter account and found out that I have hit 500 tweets!!! I just started twitter about 2 months ago and it has proven that I am an avid tweet. So this blog update is my 501th Tweet!!!

    6) I watched all my monday TV shows already. So exciting, finally get to watch them on the day itself and not postpone till saturday. Watched The Amazing Race, so excited that Team Zev got first position, but then my mood dropped when they found out they lost Zev's passport. They got eliminated because they cannot find it... so sad, because it's a good thing for a person like him who suffer's from autism to participate in such a competition, but his experience had to be compromised because of such carelessness. Anyway, all the best to him

    7) Just had dinner with E. very impromptu. Ate dinner at Fish&Co, had desserts at McDonald's and walked around Orchard and Ion. Such a huge place, a lot has changed and feels very non-Orchard Road anymore. Kinda miss the days when everything was simpler.

    8) Listened to the muttons since the start of the promos. They were talking about this Bintan Vacation and asking people to send suggestions what to do to a fat old Aunty who stole your seat. I was thinking... "I am a fatter old aunty who will sit on her."

    9) So talked a lot of stuff with E during the dinner. Then I paid for a dress for her as a belated birthday gift. Then I remembered an episode of How I Met Your Mother at the moment when Ted was about to "exercise" with Robin, and Ted's house was filled with all of his ex's gifts, so Robin was troubled by the fact when she "exercises". So I told E not to "exercise" when wearing that dress... Haha, kinda supposed to be personal, but it's so funny...

    10) Today was researching on Beyonce's "single ladies". Saw the original video of which the video was inspired by. So funny, check the video below. Then saw another video that was an ambiguous dance tutorial for "single ladies", so useless. On another note, i watched the video several times, and got down 80% of the choreography... so cool eh...

    Btw, the texts aren't real, but they are funny...


    5 reasons why PSLE Math Paper is a killer
    Saturday, October 10, 2009

    So, I don't subscribe any newspaper agent, so i don't know if this article is on it, but Channel News Asia reported that parents are complaining about this year's PSLE paper. Not A shocker because apparently in recent years, parents are complaining a lot. You can check out the article here:


    So after reading the article, i feel that there are reasons to why this problem always come up, especially Math. Ever wonder why not other subjects?

    English: Parents can't complain that English papers are hard, if they do, it really says a lot of their development of English Language at home.
    Chinese: Similarly, however there's more. Chinese is still simple in primary level, parents have no problems to scold their children if they could not understand anything, after all they understand Chinese, if they can, why not their children. That's where the concept comes about, if I can, why can't you.
    Science: What could go wrong in this subject? anyway, Primary science is a joke to higher level science. the questions are mostly trickery and there is usually a wide range of answers that are valid for the question, after all they are only familiar to science for 4 years. And what they are learning are way too basic. If it could get harder than an O level paper, it has to be the examiner's problem.

    Technically, only Mathematics can become the problem in PSLE papers. Here are 5 Reasons I have consolidated to why Math PSLE papers are a big problem.

    1) Your child is lazy, careless and unintelligent. Deal with it. If they can't solve the questions, all they need is higher authority to validate their reasons and find alternatives to achieve an A*, in this case complaining to their parents. If other children can finish the paper say that it's not that hard, how could you possibly say that the paper is tough? then these children are geniuses?

    2) Parents are getting stupid, oblivion and temperamental. Seriously, they should understand the motive of today's education, to challenge the students with higher order thinking. If everyone can do the questions and excel the paper, what's the point of having exams? furthermore, the syllabus of today's educations is way different than the generation that parents had. Indeed it has morphed and become harder, what do you expect them to solve? 1+1? Congrats your son is a genius

    3) Education system is getting slacker. What is it with introducing primary school children to use calculators in exams? what's next, getting them to learn how to drive at age 7? they should be trained to perform mental sums and be confident in their performance by self effort. They are going to become over reliant on calculators to do simple sums and the next thing you know, your son is apparently giving his gratification to the calculator for his success. what's 1+1? hold on, let my 12 year old son take his calculator out...

    And stop with all the nonsense of "teach less learn more". If i want to, i would not have gone to school and start working, what's the point of going to school when apparently the teachers are not working? The purpose of children going to school is because teachers are the main source of knowledge, if they are teaching less, where else can children seek intellect? the internet? the parents? the library? the street? Come on, we are speaking about children. I guess the education system should be blamed if the children are not performing up to standard because the teachers are not teaching them enough.

    4) Setters problem. i believe that setters have been given rules and stuff whereby questions are set based on them. I also believe that they have to test the paper out to gauge the time taken to complete the paper if within the limit. Have they considered on testing them out on local primary school children? asking adults or overseas students to do it does not compare with those done by our own. They are probably way smarter than them and perhaps thought by their own teachers more efficient method to solve the questions. for 1+1, there are tons of methods to know that the answer is 2.

    5) Time constraint. This has always been a problem in almost everything. As assumed by smart asses marking these national papers, for each mark, 1 min 15 seconds is allowed to be spent. and to be able to earn that mark, the students have to employ numerous statements and calculations which by the time they got to that marking point, more than 1 min 15 seconds have been lost. Furthermore, all these expectations to give accurate calculations and omitting of calculations will result in deduction of marks get on to the children pretty quickly, this fear causes them to spent way too much time on giving redundant calculations that markers probably would have already calculated using their calculator or copied on the answer schemes. Markers always wanted to be perceived as stupid people, but if they are stupid, how is it they are qualified to mark our papers? It would have been better to get my 5 year old niece to mark my paper, after all she has probably equivalent brain cells as the markers.


    Summary in 10
    Friday, October 9, 2009

    Back for another week to summarise

    1) Promos week, been sleeping early and waking up at 4 to study. so far my strategy is working. And I can't study with music, internet, twitter and TV. 4 is a perfect time to study.

    2) On Math Paper day, I was sneezing like crap, the table was shaking so bad... Kinda lost my focus and attention. Actually got to question 9 in 1 hour, took half an hour to do the graphing question, another half an hour to prove propositions which I never solved...

    3) On Chinese Paper Day, I was fine in the morning, then after doing paper 1 portion, I started to tremble and felt hot... What a bad time to fall sick.

    4) Okay I said that I wasn't going to turn the computer the whole week until the promos end. Well I did not. I tried to relax after every paper by watching my TV shows, the comedic ones.

    5) I have been going back to the bakery where I used to go when i was in Secondary School and Damn I miss the buns there. Had a few of my favourites, but don't know the name. My favorites are those with almonds, blueberry jam, and sweet custard, Tasty Yum Yum. And I also had my first genuine pie from that bakery and damn I love it.

    6) TV Segment: Dance is back on TV, SYTYCD 6 is on to the Vegas Week, SYTYCD Canada is into its top 8, DWTS is on to the top 13. Enjoying every minute of every episode.

    7) My Gaga Remix Video has hit 68 000+ Views and 111 Comments. How exciting. And I have to admit not all the comments were nice... Pity that the world has to tolerate haters that starts conflicts and wars...

    8) Last night went to bed early because of my fever-ish symptoms and woke up at 7 this morning. Using the time to catch up on my tv shows...

    9) My room is a mess. Biology notes, Chemistry, Econs Texts, Maths tutorials, Chinese materials, GP practices... Practically every corner of my room is clutterred with all these... And Oh PW is going to be the focus immediately after the PROMOS... ARGH!!!

    10) Mother Nature is going crazy with everything that happens in the world. Weird weather, unexepected natural disasters... Please stop, we have learnt our lesson...


    Facebook Interview

    It's friday, just had my chinese paper and I was trembling then, because I had a slight fever. However, now that I've taken my nap, I feel so much better. Promos are to be continued next week with the remaining pieces of the subjects: Biology, Chemistry and Econs. So the whole week I have not been watching my favorite shows, it's the weekend and I am catching up on them.

    Anyway, recently I did a facebook Interview and I feel like sharing it with you

    1) If you knew today was your last day on Earth, how would you spend it and why?
    Ans: I will sleep and make my final dreams, because when it's over, there is no chance that you can enjoy any of it

    2) If you had a snail that could talk, what would you name it?
    Ans: Can never imagine it, unless it's genetically modified. I will just leave it as snail because it's hard training it to get... used to the name... Snail sounds pretty good

    3) If somebody handed you a magic lamp and gave you three wishes, what would they be?
    Ans: 1) I wish to be 5 years older as of now
    2) I wish to be able to dance and choreograph for famous people and fa...mous places
    3) I wish to have another 3 wishes
    - I wish for my own place to live and have it organised I like it
    - I wish to finish my education immediately and start working
    - I wish for my family and I longetivity and youth

    4)If you could be on any TV show, which one would you pick?
    Ans: So You Think You Can Dance because it would have grant me one of wishes, to dance with famous people at famous places...

    5) If you could travel back in time, where and when would you go?
    Ans: No I wouldn't, because what happened in the past makes me the way I am today. Even if I can go back, with my personality now, it wouldn't change a thing.

    The rest kinda lost... However till next time, see you


    Exam Crib
    Monday, October 5, 2009

    hey , back from Chem paper today. I was satisfied with my performance today, didnt panic and the chapters i revised for came out... Although kind of disappointed that i couldn't complete the entire paper because i had to skip to the next question after an hour, but i did the whole paper and jeopardised about 9 marks out of 60... yey to jeopardy. anyway tomorrow is bio and damn there are a lot of things to last minute revise on. Gonna get some sleep before waking up to do them. in the meanwhile let me do my CRIB, EXAM EDITION... haha, guess who i ripped the idea from?

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    This is the table that i rarely use to study, it's for me to pile my nonsense stuff...

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    This is where I put all my revision stuff...

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    When I am bored i like to do ridiculous stuff, like this little nothing made out of an empty cottonbud container and post its...

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    And Ta-DA... the beautiful ZHSS crest on my little nothing...


    Thursday, October 1, 2009

    This year's hit sensation on TV and Musicals is Glee. It's a show about a show choir team in Mckinley High School. revolves around the struggles of teenagehood and the rise of NEW Directions, name of the show choir team. They remake hit music in all genres and sometimes recruit guest stars to be on the show. This week is a 50/50 review on the show.

    Thought that guest star Kristin Chenoweth will be awesome in the show, however her character sucks. although her singing was awesome, but i didn't like her character on the show. aside from that, the rest of the show is farely alright.

    I am not a fan of the main characters but i love this supporting actress. She is pretty and dances pretty nicely.

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    She is Heather Elizabeth Morris and is one the cheerleaders that join New Directions. Not main character but has had quite a few lines on the show, she danced in almost every episode.

    Now here is the latest New Direction's performance and thus far my most favourite number from the show. I love love the rendition.
