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    Summary in 10
    Tuesday, October 13, 2009

    It's midweek and you get a summary of my week...

    1) today was the last day of my promos!!! it ended as early as 9.16am!!! haha, sympathise those physics cohort who have a longer paper till 10.30, but still, it is their last paper as well, might as well let it be longer...

    2) At the bus stop, saw a frail uncle. No one was looking after him, so i decided to keep a look out. quite a few times he lost his balance and fell backwards. everytime, my heart would skip a beat, want to go forward and help, but he already regained balance. Then there was this one time when he was about to sit down, don't know what happened, he fell backwards to the floor. I jumped and immediately rushed to him, then all the ignorant people at the bus stop finally noticed his presence and when i got to him, another guy took away my moment of good deed and picked him up. DAMN YOU!

    3) supposed to go watch FAME the movie today, but sadly one of us can't make it because had to help out at the office. so postponed to thursday and 顺便 later go cycling and go chomp chomp.

    4) Had my first Sausage Mcmuffin since a long time. it was my celebratory meal for the end of the promos... yes, i indulge in junk food to celebrate.

    5) Checked my twitter account and found out that I have hit 500 tweets!!! I just started twitter about 2 months ago and it has proven that I am an avid tweet. So this blog update is my 501th Tweet!!!

    6) I watched all my monday TV shows already. So exciting, finally get to watch them on the day itself and not postpone till saturday. Watched The Amazing Race, so excited that Team Zev got first position, but then my mood dropped when they found out they lost Zev's passport. They got eliminated because they cannot find it... so sad, because it's a good thing for a person like him who suffer's from autism to participate in such a competition, but his experience had to be compromised because of such carelessness. Anyway, all the best to him

    7) Just had dinner with E. very impromptu. Ate dinner at Fish&Co, had desserts at McDonald's and walked around Orchard and Ion. Such a huge place, a lot has changed and feels very non-Orchard Road anymore. Kinda miss the days when everything was simpler.

    8) Listened to the muttons since the start of the promos. They were talking about this Bintan Vacation and asking people to send suggestions what to do to a fat old Aunty who stole your seat. I was thinking... "I am a fatter old aunty who will sit on her."

    9) So talked a lot of stuff with E during the dinner. Then I paid for a dress for her as a belated birthday gift. Then I remembered an episode of How I Met Your Mother at the moment when Ted was about to "exercise" with Robin, and Ted's house was filled with all of his ex's gifts, so Robin was troubled by the fact when she "exercises". So I told E not to "exercise" when wearing that dress... Haha, kinda supposed to be personal, but it's so funny...

    10) Today was researching on Beyonce's "single ladies". Saw the original video of which the video was inspired by. So funny, check the video below. Then saw another video that was an ambiguous dance tutorial for "single ladies", so useless. On another note, i watched the video several times, and got down 80% of the choreography... so cool eh...

    Btw, the texts aren't real, but they are funny...

